What is a Qui Tam Lawsuit?

The experienced whistleblower attorneys from Florin Gray explain all you need to know about qui tam lawsuits. Read more on the Florin Gray blog.
Qui tam lawsuits are a critical tool in fighting fraud and corruption against the federal government as well as Florida’s state government and even some municipalities. The qui tam provisions included in the False Claims Act (FCA) empower individuals and non-government organizations to be whistleblowers on behalf of the government. Qui tam is Latin for he who sues in this matter for the king as well as for himself. And when a whistleblower prevails in a qui tam lawsuit, the person or entity that brought the claim is entitled to between 15 and 30 percent of the government’s total recovery.
False claims not only hurt the defrauded government but ultimately cost taxpayers precious money. More than $1.6 billion in qui tam settlements and judgments occurred in fiscal 2020 and more than 4,100 FCA cases were opened in the last five years according to the Department of Justice (DOJ) records. From scams to overcharges to false government loan and grant applications to kickbacks and a host of other deceptive schemes, it is essential for whistleblowers to hire a skilled qui tam attorney to give them seasoned advice on the complexities of filing a qui tam lawsuit.
When an individual or organization detects fraud and corruption, they should immediately contact a knowledgeable whistleblower law firm as there are specific things to look for as well as unique requirements for filing these types of FCA complaints. Fraud can come in many forms, from deceptive contractors, procurement schemes, healthcare fraud complaints, underpaying the government, skirting contractual or legal requirements, supplying defective goods or services, and most recently fraudulent practices in connection with COVID-19 stimulus and related government spending. With amplified government spending over the last couple of years and no signs of this slowing down with the Biden administration, it is pivotal for everyone to be on the lookout for fraud, misuse, and abuse that ultimately affects us all.
Before coming forward, whistleblowers should seek the counsel of diligent qui tam attorneys with track records of successfully bringing these cases to light. And whistleblowers should do so promptly, as a delay could cost a whistleblower the opportunity to recover. The whistleblower attorneys at Florin Gray can ensure that your concerns are heard and acted upon. For a free and confidential qui tam consultation, please call us at (727) 220-4000 or email [email protected].